The Modern Pitcher

The Modern Pitcher FREE Seminar

Sunday March 13th from 7-9 pm

This seminar is for coaches, parents and anyone training or managing pitchers.  It will help you navigate the current landscape of baseball while protecting your son/players and the game’s most important asset…pitching!

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The landscape of pitching is constantly changing.  But don’t worry…we’re here to help.

We’ve put together a guide for players, parents, coaches or anyone who trains or manages pitchers.  This guide is written by head instructor and owner of Diamond Dreams, Mike Walton, and we’re going to launch it with a free seminar.  Like the book, this seminar willI walk you through everything you need to know including…

  • Updated biomechanics
  • Modern pitching drills
  • The impact of travel baseball
  • Year-round scheduling
  • Nutrition
  • Conditioning
  • Recovery and limiting injuries
  • Mental and emotional management
  • And much more!

Space is limited.  Call/email to sign-up today!