
Everything you need to become the pitcher you know you can be.


Our staff has been certified by the NPA and we are well versed in Driveline’s pitching program.


We utilize high speed video analysis to fine tune your mechanics along with our Rapsodo pitching monitor to get data like break and spin rate on your pitches.

Arm care:

Staying healthy is number one.  If you’ve had arm trouble or want to make sure you do everything you can to avoid it, we can help!

Velocity Improvement:

Our fall velocity program has averaged an increase of over 6 mph.  This program includes strength and conditioning, mobility work, arm care, Driveline drills and recovery protocols, weighted balls, and mechanical work,  It’s the most comprehensive program around!

Call 610-489-3383 or email Info@DiamondDreamsBA.com for more information or to sign-up today!